
Le Pham received a Master of Architecture from University of California at Berkeley, and a Bachelor of Science in Architecture from University of Maryland. Prior to co-founding 3R studio, Pham has 25 years of experience working as a project architect with prominent architecture firms in Berkeley, New York, and Washington DC. He is a registered architect in California and a LEED accredited professional.

Mai Tran received a Master of Architecture from University of California at Los Angeles. Tran has taught undergraduate design studios at HCM city School of Architecture in Vietnam for 6 years. Since 2006, prior to co-founding 3R studio, she focused in professional collaborative practice in Viet Nam with several distinguished international architecture firms.

Contact | 510.890.9200 |
416A Evelyn Ave. | Albany, CA 94706


We have our own aspiration of creating a space and lot of memories of living architecture. We call these invisible aspects of architecture the immaterial.

There are other aspects, which are visible and touchable by senses; and we call them the material. The list of building materials are endless, including but not limited to the site, context, details, texture, structure, codes, environment and thousands of more. Among all, we treasure nature, light, shadow and breeze as timeless material.

When a design process is deeply penetrated and well executed, ultimately, the material should become invisible and what the occupants experience is the profound immaterial enjoyment. Now comes the moment when the immaterial is well translated and the material is beautifully composed.

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